PCC – Personal Care Centre: This facility offers essentially three services – medical care by Registered Professional Nurses for dressings, medication, BP monitoring, etc; short to medium term hospital step-down post-operative recuperative care; and then, of course, Frail Care for those who can no longer live on their own in their cottage. From R17 646 /sharing rate. View More
DINING ROOM: A mid-day meal is available to residents / guests on advance booking R ??? for a soup, main course and dessert weekdays & Saturdays, and R? on Sunday (starter, main course and dessert). Take away is also available.
VILLAGE CAR: The car conveys residents weekly on a Tuesday morning to the Waterfall Centre’s
PETS: Residents are allowed one small dog. Dogs must conform to a height restriction of 40cms (Eg Jack-Russell / Pug / Maltese etc). No Alsatians, Labradors etc. The resident’s garden must be suitably fenced with white metal Pool fencing and pre-approved by the Body Corporate. A request to bring a dog into the village must be made in writing to the B/C with a photograph of the animal. Dogs must be walked on a leash, and the resident must be seen to be carrying a packet and poop-scoop, and ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO pick up all excreta.
ENTERTAINMENT: The village has an Entertainment Committee that arranges various activities including bingo, darts, braai, social events, etc. There is also a “Friends of Waterfall Gardens” Interest Group that meets monthly, croquet, bridge, cards/games afternoon, weekly bible study and once a month church services. View More
LIBRARY: The village boasts approximately 2500 books in its library for residents, including audio cassettes, video tapes, CDs and tape-aids for the sight impaired. There is also an abundance of magazines available for all to read or borrow.
SWIMMING POOL: We have a domestic size village swimming pool for the enjoyment of all – not heated.
HAIRDRESSER: for both ladies and gents at extremely reasonable charges.
SECURITY: A full 24 hour patrolled security service. With patrolling guards with check points throughout the village. Car patrol by TWO different security Companies.
CHURCH: There are many churches in the area. Two churches hold services and Bible study groups in the Community Centre.